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Toronto-based Artist creating abstract mixed media works on panel and on canvas.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Friday, August 26, 2022

Photography shoot at Harbord and Bathurst

 In order to apply for the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, I need to take either a booth shot or a shot of a collection of work. As I have difficulty lighting an indoor space to shoot artwork, I decided to paper this hoarding on the south side of Harbord. And voila, an instant art gallery. Thank you Alexi and Barbara for your help setting up and shooting this work.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Old Growth Exhibition at Propeller Gallery


I am pleased that my piece, "Can you make a difference?" was selected for this group exhibition at Propeller Gallery, Toronto. The show runs through August 21st and the opening is Saturday August 6th from 2 to 5 pm. The exhibition is a joint collaboration between Propeller Gallery and the Broken Forests Group. Here is a list of the artists with work in the exhibition: Alexander Boudreault, Michael Brown, Nancy R. Chalut, Michael Cywink, Liz Rae Dalton, Susan Farquhar, Linda Fitz & Steve Paul Simms, Peter Friedrichsen, Sharron Corrigan Forrest, Gerry Gooderham, Arlington Hoffman, Lee Horner, Domenica Howley, Valentina Hutcheon, Alexandra Iorgu, Lisa Johnson, Clement Kent & Leena Raudvee, Sophia Kim, Robin Kingsburgh, Karen Klee-Atlin, Adam Kolodziej, Michelle Letarte, Liz Menard, Jurgen Mohr, Lisa Murzin, Leah Oates, Frances Patella, Atia Pokorny, Dominique Prévost, Clare Ross, Susan Ruptash, Silvija Saplys, Tracy Thomson, Mateus Stelini, Pearl Van Geest, Nadine Wyczolkowski, and Noriko Yamamoto.

"Can you make a difference?", mixed media on canvas, 105cm x 120cm x 5cm, 2022

Taking inspiration from planting trees

This piece takes inspiration from Jadav Payeng, also known as the "Forest Man" in Majuli, India. Since the late 1970s he has planted trees to create a forest that is twice the size of Central Park. I highly recommend the documentary Forest Man. It talks about his life and project in great detail.

Forest Man, mixed media on panel, 30cm x 30cm x 5cm, 2022, AVAILABLE

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Newest piece called "Amarillo"

 I have reworked this piece many times. I think I have it finished. I started with a yellow plaster base which really warmed up this work.

Amarillo, mixed media on canvas, 40cm x 30cm x 5cm, 2022, AVAILABLE

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Stranger in the Woods

 I loved the book, Stranger in the Woods, by Michael Finkel. This piece takes inspiration (and some background text) from this book.

Stranger in the Woods, mixed media on panel, 30 cm x 23 cm x 5 cm, 2022, AVAILABLE

Monday, January 17, 2022

Reworked piece entitled, 16 random numbers between 0 and 9


16 random numbers between 0 and 9, mixed media on canvas, 16" x 12" x 2", 2022, AVAILABLE through Canvas Gallery.

I recently reworked this piece by bringing out some of the geometric shapes in lower levels of the painting. Here is the earlier version. I think the piece is now stronger.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Working on some new painting and just applied to the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair

I took some time this holiday break to work on some pieces. I also applied to the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair that will take place at City Hall in mid-July.

Here's one of the new pieces. The text in the background is from the song of the same name by Gordon Lightfoot.

Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, acrylic and graphite on panel, 30 cm x 23 cm x 5 cm, 2021, AVAILABLE

Friday, August 6, 2021

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

New piece on mylar

Copan, oil and graphite on mylar, 20" x 20", 2021. (Frame size: 31" x 30"). SOLD through Canvas Gallery.

For this piece I thought back to the first archaeological site that I visited in July 1989: Copan. This site in Western Honduras really moved me. The text running in the background relates to the site. The numbers were taken from an online random number generator.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


I just finished this piece that I named Brazil after Chico Mendes. He was a rubber tapper and environmentalist who, sadly, was assassinated in the late 1980s. He had some very inspiring quotes about the environment and the Amazon. The palette references water, which is a huge part of the Amazon. Recently I read that rain clouds that form over the Amazon come from the moisture from the jungle. Previously the thought was that the rain clouds came solely from westerly winds blowing over the Andes.

Brazil, mixed media on panel, 36" x 48", 2021, M. Brown


Brazil, mixed media on panel, 36" x 48", 2021, AVAILABLE through Canvas Gallery

Friday, June 4, 2021

Kentucky Coffee Tree

Recently we had a Kentucky Coffee Tree planted out front. It is a beautiful tree. As I did this painting, the tree was on my mind. I love to watch how plants/trees grow over time.

Kentucky Coffee Tree, mixed media on canvas, 16" x 12", 2021. $440. SOLD through Canvas Gallery.

Thursday, March 4, 2021


MLK, mixed media on panel, 40" x 40" x 2", 2021, SOLD through Canvas Gallery.

I used a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. that talks about making difficult decisions. The quote runs in the background, although is somewhat obscured by the numbers.

This has been at times a difficult year where I have had to make decisions that were neither popular, nor safe, nor politic. Painting this piece helped me through these difficult times. Mixing paint and putting colours together takes my mind off the other stuff.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Reading Richard Wright

Reading Richard Wright, mixed media on panel, 12” x 9” x 1.5”, 2020, $240, SOLD through Canvas Gallery.

I was reading Black Boy, by Richard Wright, when I painted this piece. I found the book very moving. He was born in 1908 (the same year as my grandparents), but fought tremendous racism as a black boy/youth growing up in Mississippi in the 1920s and 30s. The text running in the background of this piece is from a quote of his based on the state of things in the US in the first half of the 20th C. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Standing up for what you believe in even if you are alone

Standing up for what you believe in even if you are alone, mixed media on canvas, 16” x 12” x 2”, 2020, $425. SOLD through Canvas Gallery.

This quote (and title of this painting) comes from Sophie Scholl, an activist who died very young during WW2. As I navigated a couple of difficult weeks at work, I managed to create this piece.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cortez - Newest mixed media painting

 Cortez, mixed media on panel, 36” x 48” x 2”, 2020. SOLD through Canvas Gallery.

This is the latest in a series of text-based paintings. The  numbers are drawn at random. The text underneath is taken from a speech from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Off the road - New mixed media painting

This piece I started last fall but had to put it on hold when we were in Costa Rica over the winter. I just recently completed it in a home that we are renting in the High Park neighbourhood. The trees and amount of wildlife (especially birds) is inspiring. SOLD through Canvas Gallery.

                                  Off the road, oil and acrylic on panel, 90 cm x 120 cm, 2020

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gallery 1313 show recap

Thank you to everyone who came out in late October and early November to see my exhibition, "Sleep on it. It will come to you" at Gallery 1313. I had the opportunity to share the space with Sally Holcomb Blackman. who exhibited in the Cell gallery and Lina Faroussi, Irit Epstein and Elham Hazfi who shared the main gallery. Here are a couple of images of my work displayed in the Process Gallery.

Monday, November 4, 2019

222 Mill Road

This piece was part of my most recent show at Gallery 1313.

222 Mill Road, mixed media on panel, 13" x 15" x 2", 2013 and 2019. SOLD

Monday, October 14, 2019

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sleep on it! It will come to you. Exhibition at Gallery 1313

I am pleased to announce an exhibition of new work that I have completed over the past 12 months. For more information about the exhibition, see details below or you can visit the Gallery 1313 website

Monday, September 30, 2019

Monday, September 23, 2019

16 random numbers between 0 and 9

16 random numbers between 0 and 9, mixed media on canvas, 16" x 12", 2019, $375. Available through Canvas Gallery.

This piece I did first as a portrait in 2003. I reworked it 3 times in 2004, 2013 and finally in 2019. I feel the piece is finally finished. This will also be featured in an exhibition that I will be having at Gallery 1313 from October 23 through Nov 6.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

168 letters drawn at random

168 letters drawn at random, oil and acrylic on canvas, 48" x 42" x 2", 2013 and 2019, $2400. AVAILABLE through Canvas Gallery

I reworked this piece that I painted in 2013. This will also be featured in an exhibition that I will be having at Gallery 1313 from October 23 through Nov 6.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

3 small pieces at Propeller Art Gallery

I am pleased to announce that I will have 3 pieces on display at Propeller Art Gallery until July 28th (30 Abell Street, in the Queen and Gladstone neighbourhood).

Bayview and Eglinton, Mixed media on panel, 6" x 6" x 2", 2018-2019, SOLD

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Pi to 79 decimal places

Pi to 79 decimal places, 2018. Oil and acrylic on canvas, 150cm x 120cm x 3cm. SOLD

I created this painting by randomly laying down the first 79 digits of the number Pi.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Fibonnacci 17

This painting depicts the first 17 terms in the Fibonacci series. The next term is the sum of the previous two terms. There are numerous applications of this series in math, architecture and nature. I enjoy bringing math into my artwork when I am inspired in this way. SOLD through Canvas Gallery

This piece was featured on Season 4, Episode 2 of the Handmaid's Tale.

Fibonacci 17, oil and acrylic on panel, 60 cm x 45 cm x 3 cm, 2018. SOLD.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Summer 2018 - New painting

These are several new pieces that I started working on during the school year that I finally had time to finish off.

Bayview and Eglinton, 2018, acrylic on panel, 15 cm x 15 cm, 2018, SOLD

Dundas West and Bloor, 2018, acrylic on panel, 15 cm x 15 cm, 2018, SOLD

Lansdowne and College, 2018, acrylic on panel, 15 cm x 15 cm, 2018, SOLD

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Uxmal 1998 available through ArtBomb

This latest piece was made by reminiscing about my visit to the mayan archaeological site, Uxmal. I am very much inspired by the layout of this site, the shape of the buildings and the numerous geometric patterns that are visible in the architecture. I have had the opportunity over the past 25 years to visit quite a few of these sites. Uxmal is a very special location that often takes a back seat to the more popular, Chichen Itza.

Uxmal, 1998, mixed media on panel, 10" x 8" x 2", SOLD

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Copan, 1989 available through Canvas Gallery

This is my most recent painting that is currently available through Canvas Gallery.

Specs: Copan, 1989, Mixed media on panel, 8" x 8" x 2", 2016, $140, SOLD

About: The text laid down behind the graphic images is part of the wikipedia entry for the number 8, as this piece was created on an 8 x 8 panel. The glyphs or symbols laid down over top were done while reminiscing about a visit to the mayan ruins in Copan, Honduras in the summer of 1989. I was particularly intrigued by a hieroglyphic stairway there which seemed to be composed of rectangles within a rectangular staircase.

Monday, December 12, 2016


Kleescape, mixed media on canvas, 16" x 12" x 2", Available through Canvas Gallery

Background: This piece is inspired by the colour palette of Paul Klee. Each individual rectangle is in the same proportion as the canvas as a whole.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Pi to 79 decimal places

Here is a piece I have been working on over the summer. It is titled, Pi to 79 decimal places. I started laying down the numbers and when I got to 79, I felt the piece was finished. However, as with Pi, I could easily have kept on going.

Pi to 79 decimal places
Mixed media on canvas
150 cm x 120 cm, 2016

Friday, August 21, 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015



Here are two new pieces that are available at Canvas Gallery.

A. Famous Artist Cityscape, acrylic and graphite on panel, 9.5" x 20", 2015, SOLD

B. Mandala Cityscape, acrylic and graphite on panel, 12" x 20", 2015, SOLD

Monday, April 14, 2014

A couple of my newer works are on exhibit at ArtDealers Galeria in the Monterrey area of Mexico.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New works in acrylic on panel. Here are three of my most recent paintings created in Feb 2014.

Top image: 222 Mill Road, acrylic on panel, 11.5" x 15", 2014, $365, SOLD
Middle image: Pottery Barn Road, acrylic on panel, 10" x 19.5", 2014, $395, SOLD
Bottom image: Sunny side up in the 1970s, acrylic on panel, 9.5" x 22", 2014, $410, SOLD